
Certificate Examination

The exam applied for those who want to certify their level of grammar, reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of the target language. According to the result of the exam, a certificate is given from one of the levels A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 levels defined in Common European Framework of Reference for Language. The exam consists of 5 parts which are grammar, reading and writing, listening and speaking. Students who take the exam have to complete all the 5 parts in the exam. The certificate is given to the students who are successful according to the results of the exam assessed by the Examination Board, is signed by the principal of DİLMER and the rector of Dokuz Eylul University.

The certificate taken from DİLMER is valid for 6 months for DİLMER. The ones who are absent for more than 6 months during the course, have to take the placement test again. Validity period for other institutions may change depending on the criterion which is defined by the institution itself.

Certificate exam is applied to the students who attend courses in DİLMER at the end of every level. Examination dates are set for a few times during the year for the ones who do not attend the course but only want to take the certificate exam. Examinations can be hold with appointment system for those who have missed the exam dates. As the examinations on a special date are under the initiative of the administration of DİLMER, the date and the time is defined by the administration itself.

Placement Test

Placement tests are hold for the students who are going to start a language course in DİLMER or for those who want a certificate to indicate their level. Placement test is hold one day before the course starting date or may be hold on the starting date. Examination dates are set for a few times during the year for those who do not attend the course but only want to indicate their level. Examinations can be hold with appointment system for the students who have missed the exam dates. As the examinations on a special date are under the initiative of the administration of DİLMER, the date and the time is defined by the administration itself.

The certificate which is given to the students who are successful according to the results of this exam which is assessed by the Examination Board, is signed by the principal of DİLMER.