Announcement of the Pre-registration for Turkish Courses

Detailed information and final registration forms for Turkish courses will be announced later on our website.

  • Courses will start on October 7th 2024.
  • Our courses start from A1 level. If there are enough students, A2 and B1 level courses are also opened.
  • Our classes will be face to face.
  • The fee for each level is 300 USD. Students starting from A1 level will pay USD for each level and 1500 USD for 5 levels in total. At the beginning of each level, the fee for that level must be paid.
  • The account number for the course fees will be announced along with the final registration form.
  • Lessons will be held on weekdays. The course schedule will be announced when course plan is made.
  • Placement Exams will be held on October 1st. Students who do not know their level must take the placement exam. Exam dates and times are in the pre-registration form. If you do not know any Turkish do not take this exam.
  • If you would like to enroll in our courses, please fill out the pre-registration form in the link below.
Türkçe Kursu Ön Kayıt Formu 2024

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi öğrencisi hariç kayıt alınmamaktadır. / Registration is not accepted except for Dokuz Eylul University students./Студенты кроме Докуз Эйлюль Университета не могут заполнить форму.