A2 Level Turkish Course Registration Announcement (20.11.2024)

A2 classes will start on November 25.

The final registration form will close at 17:00 on Monday, November 25.

Please don’t forget to register. Registrations will be online only.


Please only deposit the fee for one course level. One course level fee is 300 USD. You must pay the fee at the beginning of each course level. You need to pay it in TL to the account below in that days exchange rate.



Bank: Ziraat Bankası

IBAN TR 9000 0100 1506 9786 9888 5001

As description : write “Name Surname- A2 Kurs ücreti” 

Please fill out the form below to register.

A2 Türkçe Kursu Kesin Kayıt Formu 20.11.2024

Para yatırırken hesap numarası ve hesap adını doğru yazdığınızdan emin olunuz. Açıklamaya kendi ad soyadınızı yazmayı unutmayınız. Kurs ücretini yatırdıktan sonra paranızın iade olup olmadığını kontrol ediniz. Eğer iade olduysa tekrar para yatırmanız gerekmektedir. / When depositing money, make sure you type the account number and account name correctly. Do not forget to write your name and surname in the description. After paying the course fee, check whether your money has been refunded. If the money returned to your account, you need to pay the fee again. /При оплате будьте внимательны при введнии номера расчетного счёта. Не забудьте написать своё имя. Проверьте перечислились ли ваши деньги/не вернулись ли они обратно. Если был возврат денег, попробуйте опять перечислить их заново.