

DİLMER is the first language training and research center to be founded within Dokuz Eylul University. Language center was opened after Prof. Dr. V. Dogan GUNAY was nominatined as the director of DEDAM by Dokuz Eylul University Rector on 03.09.2008. DİLMER’s foundation promulgated on 20.04.2006 at official gazette numbered 26145. The regulation was changed on 20.04.2012 with official gazette numbered 28359. Language center’s name has changed from DEDAM to DİLMER on 19.08.2024 with official gazette numbered 32637.

After the nomination of the director of language center, in accordance with the central regulation, deputy managers were nominated and an administrative board was established with 5 members including the director and assistant managers. For the information exchange, the consultative committee and the administrative board was established by academic members from different fields.

Aims and Scope

  • Teaching Turkish and other modern languages as a foreign language.
  • Doing theoretic and practical studies, also running projects in the fields of Turkish, foreign language teaching and linguistics.
  • Publishing books, academical journals and brochures of the theoretic and practical studies about Turkish, foreign language teaching and linguistics.
  • In accordance with the language center’s aims and area of activities, organizing and participating in symposiums, congresses and courses and following the progresses in the area.
  • Providing students and academicians, studying linguistics, Turkish and foreign language teaching with a practice area,
  • Preparing teaching materials oriented with language teaching approaches and methods to publish books and academical journals to make them become widespread in Turkey and abroad.
  • Establishing branch offices according to the regulations in Turkey and abroad to introduce Turkey, Turkish culture and language.
  • Providing agencies and institutes with consultancy service and in-service training in Turkey and abroad.
  • Students and academicians exchange from agencies and institutions in Turkey and abroad in order to do joint academical studies.
  • Educating and providing the students who have the appropriate bachelor degree, a practice area and certifying their practical studies in the language center.
  • Holding language examinations in accordance with the demand of agencies and institutions and individuals and certifying them with language certificates.
  • Supporting scientific and formal studies and providing translation service in accordance with the demands of the agencies and institutions.

About Courses

Language courses with different levels for Turkish as a foreign language are held for several times in the year.

DİLMER carries out a curriculum that supports intercultural interactions and improves the four basic language skills; listening, reading, speaking and writing.

The students participated in language courses can certify that they attended the course. DİLMER language certificates are accepted by the European Universities having association with Council of Higher Education and Dokuz Eylul University.

Further information about language courses is available in “Courses ”.


About Examinations

Placement tests and certificate examinations may be taken in DİLMER.

Certificate examinations can be hold for the students that need language certificate or to complete a level of a language course. Certificates are verified by Dokuz Eylul University Rector and the director of DİLMER. Certificates are available mininum in 15 days after the certificate examination.

Placement test can be applied to the students that want to attend language courses in DİLMER or those want to learn their levels. After the examination students can be given a certificate verified by director of DİLMER.

Further information about language courses is available in “Certificate Examinations”.